Forgotten Opera Singers

Forgotten Opera Singers

Jul 26, 2015

Rudolfs Berzins (Tenor) (Riga, Latvia 1881 - Riga, Latvia 1949)

He was one of the best latvian tenors of his time. He started his career as an actor, then studied singing under Hermann Jadlowker. He made his debut 1903 at the Latvian National Opera as Faust and appeared here till 1905. He participated in the Revolution of 1905–07. He made guest appearances in Münster, Halle and in other german cities. After 1940 he taught at the Latvian Conservatory (Riga) and he became manager and artistic director of the Latvian Theater of Opera and Ballet in 1944. His repertoire included Lohengrin, Samson in ‘’Samson et Dalila’’, Canio in ‘’Pagliacci’’, Tannhäuser, Tristan in ‘’Tristan und Isolde’’, Don Jose in ‘’Carmen’’, Otello, Radames in ‘’Aida’’.

Chronology of some appearances

1903-1905 Riga Latvian National Opera
1911 Stuttgart  Opernhaus
1914-1919 Denmark and Sweden
1919-1928 Riga Latvian National Opera


Lohengrin (Wagner): Mein lieber Schwan P 51505-I 2-87305
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (Wagner): Morgenlich leuchtend im rosigen Schein P 51505-II 2-87306
Rožainas dienas (Baumgartner) B. 16531-I 87085

Рижский Завод
Krauklīts sēž ozolā ГРК 3/07 5286

Rigas Skanuplasu Fabrika
Ligo dziesmas Гост 5289-56 3-00 29169
Ligo dziesmas Гост 5289-56 3-00 29168

Laša dziesma 3884 M4926
Polka 3884 M4927

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