Forgotten Opera Singers

Forgotten Opera Singers

Feb 16, 2015

Stanislao Berini (Tenor) (Poland 1877/1878 - Phoenix 1943)

He was born in Poland in 1877 or 1878 and, according to a 1914 account, performed at the Teatro San Carlo (Naples), Royal Opera (Vienna), Theater des Westerns (Berlin), and Royal Opera (Warsaw) before coming to the U.S. to appear at the Met. He also toured on the Chautauqua circuits with his wife Tozier, a member of the Savage English Grand Opera Company of New York. (“The Berinis Tonight.” Miami News, 2/19/1914). Berini’s stage career apparently was cut short by an unspecified illness and his move to Phoenix to recuperate in 1928. While there he performed with a local theater company (“Berini to Be Singer at Play Here,” Arizona Republic, 2/6/1928), and he often returned to Phoenix in later years. During a 1933 visit to Poland he was arrested for his outspoken criticism of the Nazi regime but managed to return to the U.S., where he worked as a vocal instructor until his second wife’s death in the late 1930s. He died in Phoenix on March 12, 1943. (“Stanislaw Berini Passes in Phoenix,” Prescott Evening Courier, 3/12/1943).

Chronology of some appearances

Naples Teatro San Carlo 
Vienna Royal Opera 
Berlin Theater des Westerns
Warsaw Royal Opera 


I wish to thank Giovanni Berini for providing me this record

Boheme  (Puccini): Che Gelida Manina 2033 X 4510  

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