She began her career at the Paris Théâtre Trianon, where she became the first soprano of the theater following its transformation into an opera house in 1908. She performed there until 1916, and in 1911, she created the title role in the French premiere of Ruggiero Leoncavallo’s Zazà.
After her successful stint in opera, she transitioned into operettas and eventually became a prominent actress, performing in French theaters until 1950. Her versatile talent allowed her to navigate both the operatic and theatrical worlds, contributing to her lasting legacy in the performing arts.
Chronology of some appearances
1908-1916 Paris Théâtre Trianon
Brummel (Hahn) A Dada Odeon 238321
Brummel (Hahn) Act III Les bergers Watteau (w. Arnoult & Baroux) Odeon 238322
Galathée (Massé) Aimons, il faut aimer (w. Gresse) 1577 Pathé, Paris 1912
Galathée (Massé) Allons à table (w. Vaguet, Jouvin & Gresse) 1583 Pathé, Paris 1912
Galathée (Massé) Ganymède! C’est toi que j’aime (w. Vaguet) 1585 Pathé, Paris 1912
Galathée (Massé) Il me semblait n’être pas laid (w. Vaguet & Jouvin) 1582 Pathé, Paris 1912
Le Trouvère (Verdi) Brise d’amour fidèle 1617 Pathé, Paris 1912
Le Trouvère (Verdi) La nuit calme et sereine (w. Gantéri) 1604 Pathé, Paris 1912
Le Trouvère (Verdi) Miserere, pitié pour notre frère (w. Fontaine & chorus) 1617 Pathé, Paris 1912
Le Trouvère (Verdi) Oui, la fatigue à la fin m’excède (w. Fontaine, Note and Lapeyrette)
Les Saltimbanques (Ganne) Act II Souvent on me fait les yeux Odeon 166602 KI5739
Les Saltimbanques (Ganne) C’est L’amour (w. Hirigaray) Odeon 166602 KI5734
O Mon Bel Inconnu (Hahn) Trio (w. Gay & Huguette) Pathé PA 64
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