Forgotten Opera Singers

Forgotten Opera Singers

Oct 22, 2024







He made his debut in 1896 at Freiburg as Lionel in Martha. On December 13, 1904, he appeared at the Berlin Hofoper in the premiere of Ruggiero Leoncavallo’s Der Roland von Berlin. He was a member of the Metropolitan Opera for six seasons (1908-1914). In 1914, at the Berlin Deutschen Opernhaus, he sang the title role in the premiere of Richard Wagner's Parsifal. He was a favorite of Emperor Wilhelm II, who gifted him several souvenirs on multiple occasions.

In 1916, he accepted American citizenship. During the 1920s, he lost his entire fortune and lived in obscurity as a singing teacher in Denver, Colorado. When Johanna Gadski undertook a North American tour with the German Opera Company during the 1929-1931 seasons, she invited him to join, and he once again found success performing roles such as Tristan, Siegmund, and Siegfried.

In 1932, he opened a vocal studio in New York but later returned to Denver. He was married to the soprano Else Jörn-Becker.


Chronology of some appearances


1898-1899 Zurich Stadttheater

1899-1902 Hamburg Stadttheater

1902-1908 Berlin Hofoper.

1905-1908 London Covent Garden

1908-1914 New York Metropolitan Opera



  1. Africaine (Meyerbeer) Land so wunderbar! 3-42547 4250h G&T, Berlin 1906-03
  2. Cäcilie (R Strauss) 4-42297 1776ab Gramophone, Berlin 1909-10-12
  3. Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni) O Lola 3-42512 4309½h G&T, Berlin 1906-0304
  4. Così fan tutte (Mozart) Wie schön ist die Liebe 042252 288ac Gramophone, Berlin 1909-10-21
  5. Dame Blanche (Boïeldieu) Komm, o holde Dame 042212 215ac Gramophone, Berlin 1909-09-03
  6. Dame Blanche (Boïeldieu) O welche Lust, Soldat zu sein 042211 214ac Gramophone, Berlin 1909-09-03
  7. Es blinkt der Tau (Rubinstein) 3-42520 4308h G&T, Berlin 1906-0304
  8. Faust (Gounod) Es ist schon spät (w. Farrar) 2-44137 4721h G&T, Berlin 1906-09
  9. Faust (Gounod) Gegrüsst sei mir 042126, 530i G&T, Berlin 1906-03
  10. Fliegende Holländer (Wagner) Willst jenes Tages du dich nicht mehr entsinnen 4-42463 1817ab Gramophone, Berlin 1909-10-21
  11. Huguenots (Meyerbeer) Dieses Wort deiner Liebe (w. Destinn) 044080, 0817v Gramophone, Berlin 1908-04
  12. Huguenots (Meyerbeer) Ihr Wangenpaar 3-42779 10312u G&T, Berlin 1907-03-0x
  13. Huguenots (Meyerbeer) Zur Rettung aller bin ich erkoren (w. Destinn) 044079, 0816v Gramophone, Berlin 1908-04
  14. Lohengrin (Wagner) Nun sei bedankt (w. chorus) 3-42721 4723h G&T, Berlin 1906-09
  15. Lustigen Weiber von Windsor (Nicolai) Horch, die Lerche singt 4-42464 1681ab Gramophone, Berlin 1909-09-03
  16. Martha (Flotow) Ach so fromm 3-42511 4251h G&T, Berlin 1906-03
  17. Martha (Flotow) Ja, seit frühester Kindheit Tagen (w. Knüpfer) 044092 0815v Gramophone, Berlin 1908-04
  18. Martha (Flotow) Mag der Himmel euch vergeben 3-42496 4249h G&T, Berlin 1906-03
  19. Postillon de Longjumeau (Adam) Freunde vernehmet die Geschichte 3-42780, 10313u G&T, Berlin 1907-03-0x
  20. Rigoletto (Verdi) E il sol dell’anima (w. Farrar) 54311 4720h G&T, Berlin 1906-09
  21. Rigoletto (Verdi) O wie so trügerisch 3-42763 10310u G&T, Berlin 1907-03-0x
  22. Salomo (Hermann) 4-42296 1777ab Gramophone, Berlin 1909-10-12
  23. Tannhäuser (Wagner) Gepriesen sei die Stunde (w. Farrar)  2-44145 4719h G&T, Berlin 1906-09
  24. Tannhäuser (Wagner) Inbrunst im Herzen (Romerzählung, pt 1) 042246 281ac Gramophone, Berlin 1909-10-19
  25. Tannhäuser (Wagner) Nach Rom gelangt’ ich so (do, pt 2) 042247 282ac Gramophone, Berlin 1909-10-19
  26. Trovatore (Verdi) Hab’ Erbarmen (Miserere) (w. Denera & chorus) 044163  283ac Gramophone, Berlin 1909-10-19
  27. Trovatore (Verdi) Hab’ Erbarmen, o Herr (w. Dietrich & chorus) 2-44133 4705h G&T, Berlin 1906-09
  28. Zauberflöte (Mozart) Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön 042251 287ac Gramophone, Berlin 1909-10-21


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