Mar 7, 2015

Geneviève Vix (Soprano) (Le Havre 1879 – Paris 1939)

She was descended from a Dutch family and her real name was Geneviève Brouwer. She studied at the Conservatoire in Paris and made her debut in 1906 at the Opéra-Comique in C. Erlanger’s opera ‘’Aphrodite’’. In 1907 she sang at the Opéra-Comique in the premiere of the opera ‘’Circé’’ by the brothers Paul and Théodore Hillomacher. In 1908 she was engaged by the Manhattan Opera House in New York. On 19. 11. 1911 she appeared at the Opéra-Comique in the premiere of M. Ravel’’s ‘’L'Heure espagnole’’ as Concepcion. In 1914 she sang here in the premiere of the opera ‘’Francesca da Rimini’’ by F. Leoni. In 1921 at the Opéra de Monte-Carlo she performed in ‘’Les Demoiselles de Saint-Cyr’’ of M. Chapuis. In 1919 she sang at the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires the role of Carmen in the première there of this opera (44 years after premiere their!). In 1925 at the Opéra de Monte-Carlo and later in Rio de Janeiro she appeared in ‘’Pelléas et Mélisande’’. In 1928 at the Opéra-Comique she sang in the premiere of the opera ‘’Angelo, Tyran de Padoue’’ by A. Bruneau. She made guest appearances in Nice, Monte Carlo, Brussels and Bordeaux with great success. In 1915 she sang at the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires in the première of ‘’Le jongleur de Notre-Dame’’ of J. Massenet. In 1926 at Grand Opéra she appeared with great success in ‘’Salome’’ by R. Strauss. Her career stretched till the 1930’s. 

Chronology of some appearances

1906 Paris Opéra-Comique
1907 Paris Opéra-Comique
1908 New York Manhattan Opera House
1911 Paris Opéra-Comique
1914 Paris Opéra-Comique
1919 Buenos Aires Teatro Colón
1921 Monte-Carlo Opéra
1925 Monte-Carlo Opéra
1928 Paris Opéra-Comique


Odeon, Paris

Werther (Massenet): Les larmes 60316 XP3262

Pathé, Paris 1921?
Thaïs (Massenet): Qui te fait si sévère 0300

Pathé, Paris 1928?
Grande Duchesse de Gérolstein (Offenbach): Voici le sabre 0669

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