Mar 6, 2015

Anton Van Rooy (Baritone) (Rotterdam 1870 - Munich 1932)

He studied with the famous br. and teacher Julyus Stockhausen who was himself a pupil of Manuel Garcia. He started as oratorio and concert artist and was heard by Cosima Wagner who invited him to sing at Bayreuth, where he made his stage debut as Wotan in 1897. His commanding appearance and his beautiful upper register created an immediate impression. In Bayreuth Van Rooy sang Wotan (Der Ring) in 1897, 1899, 1901 and 1902. Hans Sachs (Die Meistersinger) in 1899 en Holländer (Der fliegende Holländer) in 1901. He made his debut at Covent Garden on the 11th May 1898 and sang there regularly until 1913. He again chose Wotan in "Rheingold" for his first appearance at the Metropolitan Opera New York on the 14 december 1898, a role he sang fifty times during his nine seasons there until 1908. His appearances as Amfortas in the Met’s 1903 Parsifal resulted in his being banned from further appearances in Bayreuth. During 1902-03 at the Metropolitan, he sang Wolfram in Tannhäuser, Kurvenal in Tristan, all three Wotans, Telramund, and Sachs. For twenty-four performances he was paid $15,075.83. In addition to his Wagnerian roles, he also sang at the house Don Fernando in Fidelio, King Solomon in Die Königin von Saba, and Jokanaan in the American premiere of Salome. His voice was one of tremendous power, beauty and authority and he was considered the finest exponent of such roles as Hans Sachs (Meistersinger), Holländer (Der fliegende Holländer), Wotan (Ring) and Kurvenal (Tristan und Isolde) during the first decade of this century. He was prodigal in the outpouring of his huge voice and this no doubt was the reason that by 1908, when he made his last records, he was showing signs of vocal wear. His final appearance at Covent Garden in 1913 showed him in serious decline. His 1902 recordings give some idea of him in his prime and are precious souvenirs. As P. G. Hurst wrote, "The dignity of his presence and the immense power of his voice, together with the majestic breadth of his interpretations, will long be remembered by those who heard him.

Chronology of some appearances

Hans Sachs 1/30/191900, Wotan 2/6/191900, 2/8/191900, Der Wanderer 2/13/191900, Kurwenal 3/6/191900, Friedrich von Telramund 1/16/191902, Wotan 2/13/191902, 1/27/191903, 1/29/191903, Der Wanderer 2/3/191903, Kurwenal 3/3/191903, Hans Sachs 3/17/191903, Friedrich von Telramund 1/5/1904, Kurwenal 3/1/1904, Wotan 3/7/1904, Der Wanderer 3/11/1904, Kurwenal 1/17/1905, Hans Sachs 1/31/1905, Wotan 12/19/1905, König Salomon 1/2/1906, Der Wanderer 1/9/1906, Wolfram von Eschenbach 12/11/1906, Friedrich von Telramund 1/8/1907, Der Wanderer 1/24/1907, Kurwenal 2/19/1907, Hans Sachs 12/10/1907, Kurwenal 1/28/1908, Wotan 2/11/1908, Wolfram von Eschenbach 3/10/1908, Der Wanderer 3/24/1908 (Filadelfia)


G&T, London 1902
Walküre (Wagner): Wotans Abschied 2-2685 1945b
Meistersinger von Nürnberg (Wagner): Schusterlied 2-2716 1946b

Edison 2-min cylinders, USA 1905?
Tannhäuser (Wagner): Lied an den Abendstern B19
Fliegende Holländer (Wagner): Wie oft in Meeres Schlucht B29

Columbia, USA 1906
Das Mühlrad (trad) (ann) 30028 A5017 
Die beiden Grenadiere (Schumann) A5015 30029

Columbia, USA 1907/1908
Der Lindenbaum (Schubert) 30131 A5087

Columbia, USA 1908
Wanderlied (Schumann) 30167 A5087

Gramophone, London 1908-06?
Tannhäuser (Wagner): Blick' ich umher 042165 2496f
Tannhäuser (Wagner): Als du in kühnem Sange 042166 2497f
Tannhäuser (Wagner): Wie Todesahnung 042167 2498f
Rheingold (Wagner): Abendlich strahlt 042168 D809

Victor, USA 1908-06?
Lohengrin (Wagner): Dank, König, dir 92062

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