May 29, 2015

Stanisław Orzelski (Stanislaus Orzelski) (Tenor) (Wloclawek, Poland 1873 - Cestochowa, Poland 1950)

His real name was Jan Donajski. He studied singing in his hometown under J. Szczepkowski and made his debut in the 1894-1895 season, as a member of the J. Myszkowski’s Touring Theater. In  the 1896-1900 seasons he was engaged by the Lwów Opera. In 1901 he performed in Ljubljana and Zagreb, then joined to Opera House in Prague. Since 1907 he was a soloist of the Court Opera of Budapest, where he remained till 1910. He made successful guest appearances in Belgrade (1903), Warsaw (1911), Prague (1913), Hamburg and Milan. His career ended during the First World War. His repertire included Faust, Lohengrin, Jontek in ‘’Halka’’, Lenski in ‘’Eugene Onegin’’, Turiddu in ‘’Cavalleria Rusticana’’, Grabiec in ‘’Goplana’’ and many other parts.

Chronology of some appearances

1896-1900 Lwów Opera
1903 Belgrade Opera
1907 Budapest Court Opera
1911 Warsaw Opera
1913 Prague National Theater


G&T, Zagreb 1905?
Baron Trenk (Albini): Nastup Trenka 6-12415

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