May 9, 2015

Pompilio Malatesta (Bass) (Roma, Italia 1879 - ?)

Probably he made his debut in 1898 at the Teatro Quirino in Roma as Guritano in ‘’Ruy Blas’’. In 1910 he made guest appearances in Philadelphia and Baltimore. In 1914 he sang at Covent Garden in London. In 1915 he joined to the Metropolitan Opera in New York. He sang there on 14. 12. 1918 in the premiere of G. Puccini’s ‘’Gianni Schicchi’’. Only in 1939 he retired from the stage.

Chronology of some appearances

1898 Roma Teatro Quirino Ruy Blas (Guritano)
1902 Roma Teatro Manzoni  Barbiere di Siviglia (Don Bartolo)
1905 Roma Teatro Nazionale Don Pasquale (Don Pasquale)
1907 Oporto Teatro San Joao Ballo in maschera (Tom)
1909 Padova Teatro Verdi Mignon (Lotario)
1911 Philadelphia Teatro Metropolitan Boheme (Alcindoro)
1915 Bari Teatro Piccinni Andrea Chenier (Mathieu)
1917 Philadelphia Metropolitan Boheme (Benoit/Alcindoro)
1920 Londra Covent Garden   Manon (Conte)
1923 New York Teatro Metropolitan Boheme (Benoit/Alcindoro)
1928 San Francisco Civic Auditorium Andrea Chenier (Mathieu)
1934 Chicago Civic Opera House Aida (Re)
1937 Cincinnati Opera Barbiere di Siviglia (Don Bartolo)
1939 Chicago  Civic Opera House Barbiere di Siviglia (Don Bartolo)


Edison, London 1911-07
Faust (Gounod): Signor, concesso sia with Paola Koralek and chorus unpubl. 765-A
Faust (Gounod): Church scene P. II with Paola Koralek and chorus unpubl. 766-A