May 29, 2015

Marko Vuscovic (Vucovic) (Baritone) (Supetar, Brac, Croatia 1877 - Zagreb, Croatia 1960)




He studied singing at the conservatoire in Split and made his debut in 1904 as Mephisto in ‘’Faust’’, as a member of the Czech opera troupe, which appeared in Split. Then he went to Vienna and perfected his vocal technique under J. Gänsbacher and in Berlin with Lilli Lehmann. In the 1905-1906 season he appeared at the Stadttheater of Troppau (Opava). In the 1906-1908 season he sang at the Stadttheater in Wurzburg. In  the 1909-1913 seasons he was active at the Croatian National Theatre of Zagreb (Agram). In the 1914-1921 seasons he was a member of the Volksoper in Vienna. In the 1921-1925 seasons he agan appeared at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb. Later he worked there as director and vocal pedagogue. So significant singers like tenor Tino Pattiera and soprano Daniza Ilitsch belonged to his pupils. In 1907 he guested at the Stadttheater of Bern (Switzerland), then sang also in Berlin, Prague and Zurich. In 1921 he undertook a South America tour. His extensive repertoire included Don Giovanni, Nelusco in ‘’L'Africaine’’, Nilakantha in ‘’Lakmé’’, Telramund in ‘’Lohengrin’’, Wotan, Boris Godunov, Amonasro in ‘’Aida’’ and Scarpia in ‘’Tosca’’.

Chronology of some appearances

1904 Split Opera
1905-1906 Troppau Stadttheater
1906-1908 Wurzburg Stadttheater
1907 Bern Stadttheater
1909-1913 Zagreb Croatian National Theatre
1914-1921 Vienna Volksoper
1921 South America tour
1921-1925 Zagreb Croatian National Theatre


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