Mar 5, 2015

Ernst Wachter (Bass) (Mulhouse 1872 - Leipzig 1931)

He studied singing under Albert Goldberg in Leipzig and made his debut at the Hofoper in Dresden as Ferrando in G. Verdi's ‘’Il Trovatore’’ (1894). Already in 1896 he appeared at the Bayreuth Festival as Fasolt and the Hunding in R. Wagner’s "Ring des Nibelungen". Here in 1897 he sang the roles of Hunding and Gurnemanz in ‘’Parsifal’’, in 1899 the Gurnemanz. Then till 1909 he joined to the Hofoper in Dresden and then was engaged in the 1910-1911 season at the Stadttheater in Zurich. In  the 1915-1919 seasons he sang at the Opernhaus in Leipzig, where he worked later as singing teacher. In Dresden he appeared in several opera premieres: on 12. 12. 1896 in "Die Heimkehr des Odysseus", on 20. 3. 1901 in "Nausikaa" by August Bungert, on 21. 11. 1901 in "Feuersnot"  by R. Strauss and on 9. 12. 1905 in ‘’Salome’’. He made guest appearances at the Vienna Hofoper (1902) and Berlin Hofoper  (1903), at the Hofoper in Munich (1900-1902) and also appeared at London in concert under Felix Mottl.

Chronology of some appearances

1896 Bayreuth Festival
1897 Bayreuth Festival
1899 Bayreuth Festival
1900-1909 Dresden Hofoper
1910-1911 Zurich Stadttheater
1915-1919 Leipzig Opernhaus


G&T, Dresden 1902
Goldene Kreuz (Brüll): Wie anders war es (Bombardonlied) 42862 803x

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