Oct 15, 2014

Maurice Dutreix (Tenor) (Paris 1884 – Paris 1932)

He studied at the Paris Conservatoire and made his debut in 1912 at the Paris Grand Opéra as Lansmoor in ''Fervaal'' of V. d'Indy. In 1914 he appeared at the Grand Opéra in the première of  R. Wagner's ''Parsifal''. Till 1925 he had in this opera house a significant career. His repertoire included roles like the Duke in ''Rigoletto'', Jean in ''Hérodiade'' of  J. Massenet, Lohengrin, Radames in ''Aida'' and the Dimitri in ''Boris Godunov'' of M. Mussorgsky. At the Grand Opéra he sang in 1928 in the premiere of Gian Francesco Malipiero's ''Sept Chansons''. He made guest appearances in 1924 at the Opera House of Monte Carlo as Nicias in ''Thaïs'' of  J. Massenet, Hoffmann in ''Hoffmanns Erzählungen'', Faust of Gounod and as Samson in ''Samson et of Dalila'' of Saint-Saëns, in 1926 again as  Nicias and  Dimitri in ''Boris Godunov''.

Chronology of some appearances

1912-1928 Paris Grand Opéra


Opéra, Paris 191?
Faust (Gounod): Salut, demeure 1043

Odeon, Paris 1914?
Faust (Gounod): Mais ce Dieu P1 with Payan 111750 XP 6257
Faust (Gounod): P2 with Payan 111751 XP 6258

Gramophone, Paris 1919-10-31
Noël (Adam) with Calvet & Cerdan 034204 W350

Sigurd (Reyer): Esprits gardiens 3044

Gramophone, Paris 1924-11-26
Samson et Dalila (Saint-Saëns): Vois ma misère, hélas P524 4-32619
Samson et Dalila (Saint-Saëns): Dieu nous confiait P524 4-32620

Gramophone, Paris 1924-12-11
Faust (Gounod): Ainsi que la brise légère with Berthon and chorus W703 034276

Gramophone, Paris 1925-02-11
Faust (Gounod): Oui, c'est toi je t'aime with Berthon W704 034278
Faust (Gounod) Anges purs with Berthon and Tubiana W704 034279
Faust (Gounod): Le jour va luire with Berthon & Tubiana W703 034277

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