Feb 11, 2014

Franz Naval (Tenor) (Laibach, Slovenia 1865 – Vienna, Austria 1939)

His real name was Franz Pogacnik. He studied singing in Laibach with A. Nedred and then in Vienna under J.Gansbacher. He made his debut in 1888 at the Opera House of Frankfurt am Main  in ‘’Martha’’, during  the 1895-98 seasons he sang at the Berlin Hofoper, and in 1898 at the Vienna Hofoper. At the Berlin Hofoper he was frequently performed with Geraldine Farrar. In 1897, he sang the role of Rodolfo in the Berlin premiere of Puccini's ‘’La Boheme’’. During 1900-1903, Naval sang in Paris. Naval sang with the Metropolitan Opera in New York in 1903. In 1907 he made guest appearance at Covent Garden in "The Bartered bride". During 1903-1908, Naval was a permanent member of the Berlin Hofoper, and in 1908 with the Berlin Komische Oper. During this period, he was often the partner of Geraldine Farrar. Naval sang for 20 years in opera, but with diminishung success. For 30 years, He retired in Vienna where he taught singing. He appeared in the major tenor roles in ‘’Carmen’’, ‘’Cavalleria Rusticana’’, ‘’La Dame Blanche’’, ‘’L'Elisir d'Amore’’, ‘’Faust’’, ‘’La Traviata’’, and ‘’Roméo et Juliette’’.

Chronology of  some appearances

1888 Frankfurt am Main Opera House
1895-1898 Berlin Hofoper
1898 Vienna Hofoper
1903 New York Metropolitan Opera
1903-1908 Berlin Hofoper
1907 London Covent Garden
1908 Berlin Komische Oper


G&T, Wien 1902-04
Dame Blanche (Boieldieu): Duett with Gutheil-Schoder 44066 851x

Odeon, Berlin 1909-02?
Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni): Du hier, Santuzza? with Rose 50601 xB4348
Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni): Nein, da siehst du with Rose 50602 xB4349
Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni): Mutter, der Rote war allzu feurig with von Scheele-Müller 50603 xB4350
Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni): Siciliana 50604 xB4351
Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni): Schäumt der süße Wein with Hempel and chorus 50605 xB4357
Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni): Seid mir alle gegrüßt with Bronsgeest 50606 xB4358
Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni): O süße Lilie with Hempel & Rose 50608 xB4360

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