Feb 8, 2014

Dinh Gilly (Baritone) (Algeri 1877 - London 1940)

He studied singing in Toulouse, Rome and at the Paris Conservatoire, and sang at the Opéra, 1902-8; he was at the Met, 1909-14, in such roles as Rigoletto, Albert (Werther) and Sonora in the première of ‘’La fanciulla del West’’. He retired in 1924. He was a musical, expressive singer and a fine actor.

Chronology of some appearances

Il conte di Luna 12/16/1909, Alfio 12/30/1909, Valentin 2/1/1910, Merlier (Filadelfia) 2/24/1910, Sonora 12/20/1910, Marcello 1/9/1912, Tonio 1/30/1912, Barnaba (Filadelfia) 1/7/1913, Lescaut 1/28/1913, Le comte de Nevers 3/25/1913, Amonasro (Filadelfia) 11/25/1913 (Filadelfia).


Edison 2-min cylinders, Paris 1905?
Carmen (Bizet): Chanson du toréador 17286
Pagliacci (Leoncavallo): Arioso 17353

Odeon, Paris 1908?
Ernani (Verdi): Ah! Que dit-elle   with Talexis, Landouzy, Bornica, Gilly, Cèbe, Delzara and Narçon 56198 XP4449
Roi de Lahore (Massenet): Promesse de mon avenir X97159 XP4463
Rigoletto (Verdi): Paix! Voici le bouffon with  Landouzy, Narçon and chorus X56199
Sigurd (Reyer): Et toi, Freïa (Invocation) unpubl (test exists) XP4621

Edison, New York 15-12-1911
Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni): Oh, il signore with Destinn  888-A Unpubl.

HMV 1914-04-23
Uz mou milou (The wedding) (trad) with Destinn 7-54007 87554
Dobrou noc (Good night) (trad) with Destinn 2-054062 DB593
Hamlet (Thomas): Comme une pâle fleur X97165 XP4467

HMV, London 1923-08-22
Il Tabarro (Puccini): Scorri fiume 7-52245 DA559

HMV, London 1923-08-24
Coupe du Roi de Thule (Diaz): Il est venu ce jour de lutte et desespoire 7-32082 DA558
Coupe du Roi de Thulé (Diaz): Il aurait vo son amour dédaignée 7-32083 DA558

HMV, London 1923-12-20
Madama Butterfly (Puccini): Dovunque al mondo with Hislop and Parnis DB743 2-054140

HMV, London 1928-08-15
Amarilli (Caccini) DB1256 2-052382

HMV, London 1929-01-16
O del mio amato ben (Donaudy) DB1256 2-052400

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