Jun 6, 2012

Tina Desana (Soprano) (Alessandria 1885 - Abano Terme 1979)

She made her debut at the Lyric Theater of Philadelphia in ‘’iI Trovatore’’. Probably she has sung at first in Italian provincial stages. In 1908 Desana made guest appearances in USA. She performed In Philadelphia, Washington and New York. In 1909 she sang at the Teatro Goldoni in Livorno in ‘’Wally’’. In 1911 she went to sing in  South America  (San Paolo, Montevideo, Buenos Ayres). The next year she was in Alessandria, where at the Teatro Alhambra she appeared in ‘’Iris’’ and ‘’Walkiria’’. Possibly she continues to perform on the opera stages until 1920.

Chronology of some appearances

1908 Philadelphia Lyric Theater Trovatore
1909 Livorno Teatro Goldoni Wally (Wally)
1910 Firenze Teatro Della Pergola Tannhauser (Elisabetta)
1911 San Paolo Teatro San Josè Manon Lescaut (Manon)
1912 Alessandria d'Egitto Teatro Alhambra Iris (Iris)
1913 Bagnacavallo Teatro Goldoni Wally (Wally)
1914 Palermo Politeama Garibaldi Iris (Iris)
1915 Parma Politeama Reinach Tosca (Tosca)
1916 Milano Teatro Carcano Cavalleria rusticana (Santuzza)
1917 Modena Teatro Storchi Carmen (Carmen)
1918 Buenos Ayres Teatro Colon Louise (Piccola Parrucchiera)
1919 Chieti Teatro Marruccino Carmen (Carmen)
1920 Buenos Ayres Teatro Colon Walkiria (Rossweisse)



Fonotipia, Milano 1910-05-13
Otello (Verdi): Piangea cantando 92667 xPh 4336

Fonotipia, Milano 1910-05-14
Ruy Blas (Marchetti): O madre mia dall'intimo 92665  xPh 4338
Forza del destino (Verdi): Ma pellegrina ed orfana 92668  xPh 4339

Fonotipia, Milano 1910-05-20
Ruy Blas (Marchetti): Larva adorata 92666 xPh 4341

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Dear Ashot, for sharing your wonderful ideas with all of us readers! It's great ..... I am thrilled, impressed, and grateful for such a fine collection. *GOD BLESS*
