Jun 16, 2016

Noël Eadie (Soprano) (Paisley, Scotland 1901, 10/12 - London, England 1950, 8/4)


First she studied piano, then singing and was a pupil of Esta d'Argo at London. She made her debut as a concert singer in 1922 at the Wigmore Hall in London. During several years she was the principal coloratura soprano of the British National Opera Company. As a member of this company she made her debut (1924, London). In 1930 she sang at London Scala Theatre in the English première of Mozart’s ‘’La finta giardiniera’’. In the 1926-1927 season she appeared at London Covent Garden as Nornen in ‘’Götterdämmerung’’. In 1931 she excited there a sensation as Queen of the night in ‘’Zauberflöte’’ and Gilda in ‘’Rigoletto’’. In the 1931-1932 season she sang both parts at Chicago Opera. In 1935 she performed with great successat the Glyndebourne festival as Constance in Mozart’s ‘’Entführung aus dem Serail’’, in the 1935-1936 season sang also the part of Queen of the night. In 1937 she appeared at Covent Garden as Olympia in ‘’Les contes d'Hoffmann’’ and Rosina in ‘’Il Brbiere di Siviglia’’, in 1938 as Madama Butterfly. In the 1938-1940 seasons she was engaged by the Sadler's Wells Opera in London. Then a heart suffering forced her to retire from the stage, but till 1948 she sang in concerts.

Chronology of some appearances

1922 London Wigmore Hall
1924 London  British National Opera Company
1926-1927 London Covent Garden
1930 London Scala Theatre
1931 London Covent Garden
1931-1932 Chicago Opera
1935-1936 Glyndebourne festival
1937 London Covent Garden
1938 London Covent Garden
1938-1940 London Sadler's Wells Opera


HMV, London 1928-06-28
Coq d'Or (Rimsky-Korsakov): Hymn to the sun C1542 (03928)

HMV, London 1929-01-03
Götterdämmerung (Wagner): Es ragt die Burg with Arden & Palmer D1573 (6-0548)
Götterdämmerung (Wagner): Wollt ihr wissen with Arden & Palmer D1573 (6-0567)

1 comment:

  1. If I didn't know the singer was female, I could easily have thought I was hearing a young boy soprano. The voice is pristine with perhaps a hint of a not so ripe fruity quality. An intriguing experience.
