May 21, 2016

Jacques Bilk (Baritone) (1882 - 1927)

First he appeared at the Stadttheater in Metz (1906-1909), then sang at the Stadttheater in Freiburg (1909-1912). In 1912 he was engaged by the Städtische Oper in Berlin (1912). Here his career reached his climax. His repertoire included Masetto in ’’Don Giovanni’’, Scherasmin in ‘’Oberon’’ by Weber, count Eberbach in ‘’Wildschütz’’ of Lortzing, Kothner in ‘’Meistersingern’’, father in ‘’Hansel und Gretel’’ by Humperdinck, Storch in ‘’Intermezzo’’ of R. Strauss, Rigoletto, Valentin in ‘’Faust’’ of Gounod, Nevers in Meyerbeer’s ‘’Huguenots’’ and Homonay in ‘’Zigeunerbaron’’ of Johann Strauss. In the 1923-1924 season he worked as director of the Landestheater in Neustrelitz. In the 1924-1927 seasons he had the same occupation at the Stadttheater in Kiel. He appeared as a guest at the Hofoper of Munich and Dresden and at the Opernhaus of Leipzig. He made a few records for Vox, Artiphon, Edison and Gramophone.

Chronology of some appearances

1906-1909 Metz Stadttheater
1919-1912 Freiburg Stadttheater
1912 Berlin Städtische Oper


Artiphon, Berlin 1919-09-26
Pagliacci (Leoncavallo): Schaut her, ich bin's! (Prolog) 632
Rigoletto (Verdi): Feile Sklaven 633
Tannhäuser (Wagner): O du mein holder Abendstern 634

Vox, Berlin 1921-10/12 
Goldene Kreuz (Brüll): Bom bom bom tra ra ra 3007 135B 
Goldene Kreuz (Brüll): Wie anders war es 3007 136B

Vox, Berlin 1922-03?
Rigoletto (Verdi): Gleich sind wir beide! 03127  387A
Rigoletto (Verdi): Feile Sklaven 03127 

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