May 29, 2015

Ugo Donarelli (Baritone) (Italy 1890 ? - ?)

Probably he made his debut in Italy. He had an important career in Italian provincial theatres. In 1920 he made a guest appearance in Monte Carlo as Manfredo in L'Amore dei Tre Re with Lucrezia Bori, Benjamino  Gigli and Vanni-Marcoux and also as Marcello and Silvio.  He sang at Teatro Colón in Manon and Madame Butterfly with Juanita Carracciolo and Ferdinando Ciniselli.  In 1920 he appeared in Rio de Janeiro and in 1924 sang with an Italian opera group in London.

Chronology of some appearances

1920 Opéra de Monte-Carlo
1920 Buenos Aires Teatro Colón
1920 Rio de Janeiro Teatro Municipal
1924 London Concert ?


Edison Bell
Faust (Berlioz)  Serenata 1112
Otello (Verdi): Credo 1111
Faust (Berlioz) Aria delle rosa 1112 9414

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