May 23, 2015

Marcelle Ragon (Soprano) (Algiers ? - Paris ?)

She studied singing at the conservatoires of Algiers and Paris and in 1916 she made her debut at the Opéra-Comique in Paris, wherer she appeared till 1919. Then she sang opera parts at the Théâtre des Champs Elysées and at the Théâtre Lyrique in Paris (among other things the part of Octavie in ‘’Cléopâtre’’ of J. Massenet). The same time she appeared in operettas at the Théâtre Marigny and at the Théâtre Mogador in Paris. In the last-called theater she appeared only 100 times in the operetta ‘’La Mascotte’’ of Audrey and sang there in 1948 in the premiere of the operetta "Violettes Impériales" of Vincent Scotto. She continued her opera career and made guest appearances at the French provincial theaters. In the 1930-1931 season she sang at the Théâtre Lyrique in Paris in G. Rossini’s ‘’Wilhelm Tell’’, "La Dame blanche" of François-Adrien Boieldieu and ‘’Quo vadis?’’ of Jean Nouguès. In  the 1930-1932 seasons she was active again at the Opéra-Comique, where she appeared among other things in ‘’Le joueur de viole’’ of Laparra and ‘’Angélique’’ of  Ibert. She was also known as a song interpreter. In  the 1947-1950 seasons she was to be found once more at the Théâtre Mogador. 

1916-1919 Paris Opéra-Comique
1930-1931 Paris Théâtre Lyrique
1930-1932 Paris Opéra-Comique
1947-1950 Paris Théâtre Mogador


Pathé, Paris 1919?
Amoureux de Cathérine (Maréchal): Doux pays 0256 1898
Noces de Jeannette (Massé): Cours, mon aiguille 0256 1905

Disque-à-Saphir Opéra
Lakmé (Delibes): Pourquoi dans les grands bois 729
La perle du Brésil (David): Air du Mysoli 729

Gramophone, Paris 1923-05-18
Amour Masqué (Messager): Mon rêve 033237 W493

Gramophone, Paris 1924-01-15
Faust (Gounod): Il était un roi de Thulé 033253 W576

Gramophone, Paris 1924-04-08
Faust (Gounod): Ah, je ris (Air des bijoux) 033252 W576
Trouvère (Verdi) La nuit calme et sereine 033258 (W583)
Trouvere (Verdi) l'amour ardent, l'amour 033259 (W583)

Gramophone, Paris 1926-10-15
Dragons de Villars (Maillart): Espoir charmant P699 (7-33041)
Dragons de Villars (Maillart): Une heure encore P699 (7-33042)

Gramophone, Paris 1928-06-27
Manon (Massenet): Adieu, notre petite table P776 (2-33080)
Manon (Massenet): Obéissons quand leur voix appelle P776 (2-33081)

Gramophone, Paris 1928-10-22
Noces de Jeannette (massé): Air des meubles P820 (2-33097)

Gramophone, Paris 1929-05-16
Grand Mogol (Audran): Le vin des Surèsnes P820 (2-33098)

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