Mar 23, 2015

Charlotte Wyns (Mezzo-Soprano) (Paris 1868 – ? 1917)

She studied singing at the Conservatoire de Paris with Crosti, Achard and Giraudat. in the 1893-1898 seasons she appeared at the Opéra-Comique in Paris, where she made her debut as Mignon of A. Thomas (this role she also sang there in the 1000-th performance of this opera). In the 1898-99 season she joined to the Théâtre de la Monnaie in Brussels, however, came back and again sang from 1900 to 1905 at the Opéra-Comique. On 27. 11. 1897 she performed at the Opéra-Comique in the premiere of the opera ‘’Sapho’’ by J. Massenet. She created the role of Divonne, while Emma Calvé appeared as Fanny Legrand. In 1897 she made guest appearance at the Opéra de Monte-Carlo as Charlotte in ‘’Werther’’ of J. Massenet. This part counted as her star role. In 1901 she was to be found as a guest at the Theater in Graz. In 1903 she appeared at the Covent Garden in London as Santuzza in ‘’Cavalleria Rusticana’’. In 1905 she sang at the Nationaltheater in Berlin the role of Leonora in ‘’La Favorita’’ by G. Donizetti. In 1905 she made guest appearance at the Opera in Cairo and also sang in Alexandria as Carmen and in ‘’Proserpine’’ of C. Saint-Saëns together with Giuseppe Borgatti and Titta Ruffo. In 1906 she performed at the Opéra de Nice in the premiere of the opera ‘’Sanga’’ of I. de Lara in the title role. In 1915 she sang again at the Opéra de Monte-Carlo in concert performace of  G. Bizet's ''Carmen''.

Chronology of some appearances

1893-1898 Paris Opéra-Comique
1898-1899 Brussels Théâtre de la Monnaie
1900-1905 Paris Opéra-Comique
1901 Graz Theater
1903 London Covent Garden
1906 Nice Opéra


Dutreih cylinders, Paris 1904?
La Navarraise (Massenet): Mariez donc son coeur 
Carmen (Bizet): Près des remparts de Séville 50205

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