Feb 9, 2014

Hypolite Belhomme (Bass) (Paris 1854 – Nice 1923)

He studied singing at the Paris Conservatoire and made his debut in 1879 at Opéra-Comique of Paris as Baskir in ‘’Lalla Rookh’’ of David. In this opera house he appeared on 10. 2. 1881 as Crespel in the premiere of the opera ‘’Hoffmanns Erzählungen’’ of Offenbach. Till 1886 he remained at Opéra-Comique, then sang from 1886-89 at the Opera House of Lyon, in  the 1890-91 season at the Opera House of Marseille. In 1891 he returned again to the Opéra-Comique of Paris, whose member he remained up to the end of his career. In 1894 he sang there in the French première of Verdi’s ‘’Falstaff’’ singing the role of Pistol. In 1895 he performed in the première of Massenet’s ‘’La Navarraise’’. Here on 2. 2. 1900 he took over a small role in the premiere of Charpentier’s ‘’Louise’’. From 1902-05 he made guest appearances at the Théâtre de la Monnaie of Brussels, where he formed in 1907 also as Kezal in the French première of Smetana’s ‘’Verkaufter Braut’’. He appeared in Brussels in the premières of the operas 'Grisélidis'' of Massenet (1903) and ‘’Tosca’’ of Puccini (1904). At Grand Opéra in Paris he appeared in 1892 and 1911, he  also sang at the Opera House of Nice. In 1910 he appeared at Opéra-Comique of Paris in the premieres of the operas ‘’Le Mariage de Télémaque’’ of Claude Terrasse and ‘’On ne badine pas avec l'amour’’ of Gabriel Pierné and ‘’Le Voile du Bonheur’’ of Charles Pons. In 1916 he retired from the stage.

Chronology of some appearances

1879 Paris Opéra-Comique
1881 Paris Opéra-Comique
1886 Paris Opéra-Comique
1886-1889 Lyon Opera House
1890-1891 Marseille Opera House
1891 Paris Opéra-Comique
1894 Paris Opéra-Comique
1902-1905 Brussels Théâtre de la Monnaie
1907 Brussels Théâtre de la Monnaie


G&T, Bruxelles 1904-04
Songe d'une nuit d'été (Thomas): Allons, que tout s'apprête 3-32158 546e

G&T, Bruxelles 1905-06
Songe d'une nuit d'été (Thomas): Chanson de Falstaff 3-32500 8459u
Fille du Régiment (Donizetti): Le voilà, le voilà... Au bruit de la guerre with Cécile Eyreams 34132 8431u

Pathé, Paris 1909 - 1911
Mignon (Thomas): Duo des hirondelles with Marignan 0210
Zauberflöte (Mozart): Ton coeur m'attend with Marignan  0206
Caïd (Thomas): La Diane 0379
Caïd (Thomas): O ma gazelle with Marignan 0540
Châlet (Adam): Dans la service d'Autriche 0390
Galathée (Massé): Aimons, il faut aimer, pt 1, p2 with Marignan 0212, 0213
Pré aux Clercs (Hérold): Les rendez-vous with Marignan 0534
Petite Mariée (Lecocq): Duo de la lettre with Marignan 0539
Faust (Gounod): Trio final with Albani and  Marignan  0759b
Tannhäuser (Wagner): Choeur des pèlerins with Devriès, Dangès and Nansen  0775
Faust (Gounod): Vous qui faites l'endormie 0368

Pathé, Paris 1910/1911
Fille de Mme Angot (Lecocq): Choeur des conspirateurs with Devriès, Nansen & Danges 0776

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