Feb 11, 2014

Fritz Windgassen (Tenor) (Hamburg, Germania 1883 - Murna, Germania 1963)

First he became a sailor, then since 1907 he studied singing at the conservatoire of Hamburg under Vilmar. He made his debut in 1909 at the Municipal Theatre of Harburg as Manrico in ‘’Trovatore’’. Other engagements: In  the 1910-11 season  he appeared at the Municipal Theatre of Bremen, in the 1911-12 season at the Municipal Theatre of Hamburg, from 1912-23 he performed at the Court Theatre of Kassel, where he sang in 1916 in the premiere of the opera  "Veeda" of Georg Vollerthun. From 1923 to 1945 he appeared at the Stuttgart State Opera (beginning part: Walther von Stolzing in ‘’Meistersingers’’), where he appeared with great success. In 1941 he made guest appearance at the Opera House of Frankfurt a. M. as Siegfried in the Wagner's opera of the same name. During of his career he sang in several opera premieres: In Hamburg he performed in "Die Brautwahl" of F. Busoni (13. 4. 1912), in Stuttgart in "Der Gondoliere des Dogen"  of N. Reznicek (1931) and in "Michael Kohlhaas"  of Paul von Klenau (1933). There he also sang in 1928 in the German première of A. Boito’s opera ‘’Nerone’’. He was a highly respected concert singer. In 1949 he gave in Stuttgart his last concert. After his retirement he became a professor of the Stuttgart College of Music. He was married to soprano Vally van Osten (1882-1923)his son Wolfgang  Windgassen became a famous heroic tenor.

Chronology of  some appearances

1909 Harburg Municipal Theatre
1910-1911 Bremen Municipal Theatre
1911-1912 Hamburg Municipal Theatre
1912-1923 Kassel Court Theatre  
1923-1945 Stuttgart State Opera


Polydor, Berlin 925
Heimliche Aufforderung (Strauss) 62497 2100ax
Traum durch die Dämmerung (Strauss) 62497 2101ax
Über Nacht (Wolf) 62498 2100ax
Heimweh (Wolf) 62498 2104ax
Der Rattenfänger (Wolf) 62499 2103ax
Aennchen von Tharau (Silcher) 2105ax

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