Jul 7, 2013


Emma Carelli Adriana Lecouvreur (Cilea) Io sono l'umile ancella 39734 XPh1978

Florencio Constantino Vidalitá (Canción Popular Argentina) Columbia 13 4056

Charles Rousseliere Herodiade (Gounod) Air de Jean 2-32818 1805F

Francisco Vinas Lohengrin Racconto di Graal 052002 Con531R

Giovanni Inghilleri Andrea Chenier Nemico della patria Fonotipia 120193 XXPh6426

Tito Schipa Tosca: E lucevan le stelle Pathe 80843 10315

Tino Folgar,  Laura Nieto Luisa Fernanda Mazurca de las sombrillas Gramophone DA4216

Nino Piccaluga Werther: Ah! non mi ridestar Parlophon P.8913-II 20998

Rosetta Pampanini Turandot Signore ascolta Columbia D12548 B1377

Amedeo Bassi Tosca Recondita armonia Pathe 4241


  1. Thank you for these records! It's nice to hear that Constantino can sing mezza voce, though it is a pity that he doesn't have the variety of shading that can sustain a whole piece at that dynamic... Carelli & Bassi are fascinating recordings (Bassi's partly because it doesn't seem very individual - I'd expected him to do better with Puccini!) & it's lovely to hear Rousseliere in Massenet. Vinas in Lohengrin is a lovely record: bizarrely, it is the one I have in my aural memory against which all other Lohengrins are measured ! :-)

    Thanks again!


    1. Thank you Dear David for your interesting comments
      All the best

    2. PS that Schipa record sounds unusually baritonal in the low-lying lines at the beginning, and perhaps not as smooth as usual later on - is it an unusually early one?? Or perhaps just lower notes than usual - though why would he transpose down...?!

      And I forgot to say I couldn't BELIEVE that Piccaluga would break off the last syllable of 'trovera la lu - - ce' in Werther - that was bad! But then he does make the lines quite choppy and separated instead of smooth all the way through in his search for drama in the versimo style so perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised :-)

    3. Dear David thank you for your comment, Schipa recorded this in 1919 at Milan, I think Piccaluga was one of the best italian dramatic tenors of the 1920's.
      All the best

  2. Do you have any recordings or full records of Louis Dornay? He was my grandfather's brother and I don't have any records of him.

    1. Hello. Yes, I have 5 recordings of Louis Dornay. See in his section.
      All the best
